Our Purpose
The group was founded as there seems to be a desire to connect with people who understand during this difficult time. This is what one professional said:
„After their death, there were times when I didn’t know how to continue. I have chosen this career to help people and suddenly there was this question if I am responsible for this person’s death. My world was turned upside down, shattered. I yearned for someone who has been in a similar situation to tell me that a life after is possible and I can get through it.”
Signing up
Please email support@thehardpart.co.uk or fill in our contact form to register and a meeting link will be shared with you.

What to expect
Communication outside of the group
Please note that support can currently only be offered in form of an online support group. Although, The Hard Part aims to check emails emails regularly a reply may take a few days. If you feel you might be in crises now please consider getting in touch with urgent/emergency services such as A&E, Samaritans, a local mental health crises team or NHS 111.
The support group is run by a clinical psychologist who has several years of experience working for the NHS and private sector.
Ground rules
Key ground rules such as confidentiality and a respectful behaviour towards each other are in place at all times. Attendees will be given the opportunity to add rules at the beginning of each group in order to co create a safe place for everyone. Please be aware that attendees who do not adhere to these rules and/or use abusive and threatening language will be a excluded from the group.